About us

Is a mark of real estate mediation, integrated in a dedicated group the area of the construction, implemented in the market since 1930.

One of the principles of L-Imóveis is the formation and accompaniment of its consultants, supporting them it professional level and personal of form it helps to construct them to it a career and to be excellent entrepreneurs, distinguishing them in such a way from the excessively consulting existing ones in the market.

L-Imóveis privileges the devotion, enthusiasm, transparency, integrity and passion in all the process of accompaniment of its customers, assuming the commitment of being “More than a Real estate one”.

Being part of a group, quick L-Imóveis a service to our customers, in all the domestic territory, not only to the level of the purchase, venda, lease of property and bank credit, but also in the development of projects of Architecture and Engineering, in the construction and decoration, being able to provide to it solution to it “Key in the Hand”

+351 800 502 600

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